

Warning: This site contains Adult content (NSFW).

All Characters are 18+ years of age and are not real! All content is parody and free.

IF YOU ARE NOT 18+ YEARS OLD, or have a problem with my content, please leave the site and go on about your day.

EXTRA WARNING: Adult content like this can be used for good things: recreation, health and fulfilment of unreal fantasy.

BUT, like anything it can also become addictive or damning. If you feel this way, please seek help or refrain. Side effects can be real and you need to support yourself!

Some videos about people overcoming addiction: 1 | 2
Think about how you use it, use it as a reward for completing all of your work or hitting new goals. Notice when you go to it for quick hitting pleasure during sadness.


What I do:

I’m a fan of games and animation, so I wanted to give it a go! Here you will find NSFW animations for niche ideas and such. I also do more general things, but the tagline is Keeping it Niche, so be prepared!

The average image of people who like this stuff is that they are strange. Yes, they are, but of all the people I have spoken to so far, creators and watchers, have also been very kind and incredible to talk to!

I want peace and love between all, I want everyone who sees this message to be healthy in body and mind.

Support and Benefits

If you like my stuff enough to consider supporting me and get some cool benefits, check out my support page here

All pledges go towards making my content more high quality and bringing out more videos in a shorter amount of time

Disclaimer: All work with IP I do not own is free and always has a public release. Anything with my own original characters could be exclusive to supporters

If you choose to repost my work, please include watermark. If you repost 18+ content to non 18+ website it is your fault not mine.